孟菲斯警长的行动逮捕了 19 岁的 Donte Eddings,罪名是在汽车入室盗窃枪击案中谋杀。 Memphis sheriff's operation arrests 19-year-old Donte Eddings for murder in car burglary shooting.
孟菲斯治安官的行动导致 19 岁的 Donte Eddings 被捕,罪名是一级谋杀,他在费尔南多·琼斯 (Fernando Jones) 的入室盗窃未遂中被枪杀。 A Memphis sheriff's operation led to the arrest of 19-year-old Donte Eddings for first-degree murder in the shooting death of Fernando Jones during a car burglary attempt. 监控录像和Eddins的独有黄色帽衫 指认他为枪手 Surveillance footage and Eddings' distinctive yellow hoodie identified him as the shooter. 这次行动还逮捕了另外7人,并追回了偷来的汽车、枪支和大麻。 The operation also resulted in the arrest of seven others and the recovery of stolen cars, guns, and marijuana. 当局继续寻找更多的嫌疑犯。 Authorities continue to search for additional suspects.