TBI调查田纳西州交通停止追逐 最终疑犯被车撞,住院治疗 TBI investigates Tennessee traffic stop chase ending with suspect hit by vehicle, hospitalized.
田纳西调查局正在调查田纳西州安德森县发生的一起涉及警员的枪击事件,一名嫌疑人在交通中途逃离,导致涉及多个执法机构的追逐。 The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is investigating an officer-involved shooting in Anderson County, Tennessee, where a suspect fled during a traffic stop, leading to a chase involving multiple law enforcement agencies. 嫌疑人最终在被另一辆车击中并被送往医院时被拦住。 The suspect was eventually stopped when hit by another vehicle and taken to a hospital. 细节仍在收集中。 Details are still being gathered.