罗马尼亚的贸易赤字在2024年猛增15.3%,由于出口下降和进口增加,达到33.39亿欧元。 Romania's trade deficit surged 15.3% in 2024, reaching €33.39 billion, due to falling exports and rising imports.
根据国家统计研究所的数据,罗马尼亚的贸易赤字逐年上升15.3%,到2024年增至33.39亿欧元。 Romania's trade deficit rose by 15.3% year-over-year to €33.39 billion in 2024, according to the National Institute of Statistics. 与2023年相比,2024年出口下降了0.4%,进口增长了3.3%,导致赤字增加。 Exports fell 0.4% in 2024 compared to 2023, while imports grew by 3.3%, contributing to the increased deficit. 尽管12月略有下降,但总体趋势表明罗马尼亚的贸易平衡明显恶化。 Despite a slight decrease in December, the overall trend indicates a significant deterioration in Romania's trade balance.