一架本田喷气式飞机在亚利桑那州梅萨的Falcon Field机场附近坠毁,在起飞后造成5人死亡。 A Honda jet crashed near Falcon Field Airport in Mesa, Arizona, killing five people after takeoff.
周二在亚利桑那州梅萨的Falcon Field机场附近坠毁的本田HA-420喷气式飞机在大约下午4:40起飞后不久造成五人死亡。 A Honda HA-420 jet crashed near Falcon Field Airport in Mesa, Arizona, on Tuesday, killing five people shortly after takeoff around 4:40 PM. 飞机击中机场外的一辆车,导致在应急人员抵达时道路被关闭。 The aircraft hit a vehicle outside the airport, leading to road closures as emergency responders arrived. 联邦航空管理局和国家运输安全委员会正在调查该事件。 The Federal Aviation Administration and National Transportation Safety Board are investigating the incident. 尚不清楚死亡是涉及飞机乘客还是车辆乘客。 It remains unclear whether the fatalities involved passengers from the plane or occupants of the vehicle.