新西兰庆祝全国羔羊日,庆祝对经济和可持续性至关重要的行业。 New Zealand marks National Lamb Day, celebrating an industry vital to economy and sustainability.
新西兰于2025年2月15日庆祝全国羔羊日, 农业部长Todd McClay在国会举行烧烤活动, New Zealand celebrated National Lamb Day on February 15, 2025, with a barbecue hosted by Agriculture Minister Todd McClay at Parliament. 这次活动突出了羊肉业的重要性,它每年出口超过100亿美元,支持76 000个工作岗位。 The event highlighted the importance of the lamb industry, which contributes over $10 billion in exports annually and supports 76,000 jobs. 讨论包括地缘政治和气候风险等挑战,庆祝活动强调了该行业在可持续耕作和全球粮食供应方面的作用。 Discussions included challenges like geopolitical and climate risks, and the celebration emphasized the industry's role in sustainable farming and global food supply.