Joey Lyn Phipps在Radford6英里的追逐后被捕, 面临偷窃车辆和逃避警察的指控。 Joey Lyn Phipps arrested after six-mile chase in Radford, facing charges for stolen vehicle and evading police.
一名43岁的男子Joey Lyn Phipps在弗吉尼亚州Radford被捕,他是在发现一辆被盗车辆后,在6英里的追逐中被捕的。 A 43-year-old man, Joey Lyn Phipps, was arrested in Radford, Virginia, after a six-mile chase following the discovery of a stolen vehicle he was in. Phipps在试图逃避警察之后,因使用轮胎通货紧缩装置被捕。 Phipps was apprehended using tire deflation devices after attempting to evade police. 他面临包括拥有被盗物品在内的指控,由于作为重罪犯的毒品和武器持有逮捕令尚未执行,他没有保释。 He faces charges including possession of stolen goods and is being held without bond due to outstanding warrants for drug and weapon possession as a felon.