男子在警方追捕期间撞毁了装满赃物的 U-Haul 卡车后被捕。 Man arrested after crashing U-Haul truck loaded with stolen goods during police chase.
一名 47 岁的男子斯蒂芬·杜邦 (Stephen Dupont) 在乘坐一辆载有赃物的 U-Haul 卡车逃离警方后被捕。 A 47-year-old man, Stephen Dupont, was arrested after fleeing from police in a U-Haul truck containing stolen goods. 当卡车在警方部署轮胎放气装置后撞上电线杆时,追逐结束。 The chase ended when the truck crashed into a utility pole after police deployed tire deflation devices. 杜邦被指控犯有多项罪行,包括未能为警察停车和收受赃物。 Dupont is charged with multiple offenses, including failing to stop for police and receiving stolen property. 两名女乘客也将收到阴谋和收受赃物的传票。 Two female passengers are also set to receive summonses for conspiracy and receiving stolen property.