Jalin Jones,23岁,在威斯康辛州莫诺纳躲避警察后被捕,导致商店追逐。 Jalin Jones, 23, arrested after evading police in Monona, Wisconsin, leading to a store pursuit.
23岁的麦迪逊男子Jalin Jones在威斯康辛州莫诺纳的交通阻塞事故中 开始高速追逐后被捕 A 23-year-old Madison man, Jalin Jones, was arrested after a high-speed chase that started with a traffic stop attempt in Monona, Wisconsin. 尽管有轮胎通货紧缩装置,Jones还是逃离,最终抛弃了他的车辆,逃到一家商店。 Despite tire deflation devices, Jones fled, eventually abandoning his vehicle and fleeing into a store. 警方在他的车里发现一把枪、大麻和假钞100美元。 Police found a firearm, marijuana, and counterfeit $100 bills in his vehicle. Jones已经因2022年的枪击罪 受到监视 他面临更多的指控 Jones, who was already under supervision for a 2022 shooting conviction, faces additional charges.