以色列警察袭击了东耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦书店,引发对言论自由的关切。 Israeli police raid Palestinian bookstores in East Jerusalem, sparking freedom of speech concerns.
以色列警察袭击了东耶路撒冷的两家巴勒斯坦人拥有的书店,逮捕了店主,并没收了有关以巴冲突的书籍。 Israeli police raided two Palestinian-owned bookstores in East Jerusalem, arresting the owners and confiscating books about the Israel-Palestine conflict. 警方声称书籍煽动暴力, 而批评者则说行动压制巴勒斯坦民族主义。 Police claim the books incited violence, while critics say the action suppresses Palestinian nationalism. 教育书店是40多年前建立的一个文化枢纽,也是被袭击者之一。 The Educational Bookshop, a cultural hub established over 40 years ago, was among those raided. 这些突袭引起了人们对言论自由和文化压制的关切。 The raids have sparked concerns about freedom of speech and cultural suppression.