以色列警察突袭巴勒斯坦书店,没收书籍并面临审查指控。 Israeli police raid Palestinian bookstores, confiscating books and facing charges of censorship.
以色列警方突袭了东耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦人拥有的书店,没收了书籍并暂时关闭了一些商店。 Israeli police have raided Palestinian-owned bookstores in east Jerusalem, confiscating books and temporarily closing some stores. 当局声称该行动是为了打击“煽动”,但人权组织批评这是审查制度,凸显了对巴勒斯坦企业的言论自由和待遇的担忧。 Authorities claim the action is to combat "incitement," but human rights groups criticize it as censorship, highlighting concerns over freedom of expression and treatment of Palestinian businesses. 这些突袭加剧了紧张局势,并引起了国际社会的关注。 The raids have escalated tensions and drawn international scrutiny.