以色列警察在东耶路撒冷突袭巴勒斯坦书店、没收书籍和逮捕所有者。 Israeli police raid Palestinian bookshops, confiscate books, and arrest owners in East Jerusalem.
以色列警察突袭了东耶路撒冷的两家巴勒斯坦人拥有的书店, 没收书籍并逮捕所有者, Israeli police raided two Palestinian-owned bookstores in East Jerusalem, confiscating books and arresting the owners on suspicion of "selling books containing incitement and support for terrorism." 这些书店以广泛收集有关以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突的文献闻名,被下令关闭。 The bookstores, known for their extensive collection of literature on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, were ordered closed. 批评者认为这是企图镇压巴勒斯坦民族主义,抗议并要求支持者和外交官释放所有者。 Critics see this as an attempt to suppress Palestinian nationalism, with protests and calls for the owners' release from supporters and diplomats.