印度最高法院只规定各州,而不是联邦政府可以对彩票经销商征税。 India's Supreme Court rules only states, not the federal government, can tax lottery distributors.
印度最高法院裁定,彩票经销商不需要向联邦政府缴纳服务税。 The Supreme Court of India ruled that lottery distributors do not need to pay service tax to the federal government. 相反,只有州政府才能对彩票征税,因为彩票属于《宪法》中的“教唆和赌博”类别,该类别属于州管辖。 Instead, only state governments can impose taxes on lotteries, as lotteries fall under the "betting and gambling" category in the Constitution, which is under state jurisdiction. 这项决定强化了以下原则,即国家拥有管制和征收彩票税的专属权力,而不是中央政府。 This decision reinforces the principle that states have exclusive authority to regulate and tax lotteries, not the central government.