印度最高法院驳回了对暴民暴力的抗辩,理由是国家干预不切实际。 Indian Supreme Court dismisses plea on mob violence, citing impracticality of national intervention.
印度最高法院驳回了关于暴徒暴力和私刑的 PIL,尤其是“奶牛义警”的私刑,并指出跨邦对此类事件进行微观管理是不切实际的。 The Supreme Court of India dismissed a PIL on mob violence and lynching, especially by "cow vigilantes," stating it's impractical to micromanage such incidents across states. 法院强调,其2018年Tehseen Poonavalla案指令仍然具有约束力,受害人应在当地寻求法律补救。 The court emphasized that its 2018 Tehseen Poonawalla case directives remain binding, and victims should seek legal remedies locally. 它还拒绝评估国家保护牛法的有效性,指示个人向各自的高等法院求助。 It also declined to assess the validity of state cow protection laws, directing individuals to approach respective High Courts.