印度最高法院驳回要求改革以遏制嫁妆和滥用家庭暴力法的请求。 India's Supreme Court rejects plea for reforms to curb dowry, domestic violence law misuse.
印度最高法院驳回了一项公共利益诉讼(PIL),该诉讼寻求改革嫁妆和家庭暴力法,以遏制滥用行为。 The Supreme Court of India has rejected a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) seeking reforms to dowry and domestic violence laws to curb misuse. 该请愿书由律师Vishal Tiwari提出,旨在防止导致悲剧性结果的虚假案件,包括Atul Subhash自杀案。 The petition, filed by advocate Vishal Tiwari, aimed to prevent false cases that have led to tragic outcomes, including the suicide of Atul Subhash. 法院强调,这种改革超出了其管辖范围,而需要社会变革。 The court emphasized that such reforms are beyond its jurisdiction and societal change is needed instead.