伊利诺伊州州长签署《Karina法》, 授权警方在四天内从家庭施虐者身上除去枪支。 Illinois governor signs "Karina's Law," mandating police remove guns from domestic abusers within 4 days.
伊利诺伊州州长JB Pritzker签署了《Karina法》,要求执法部门在96小时内从个人身上取走火器,并发出防止他们受到枪械保护的命令。 Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signed "Karina's Law," requiring law enforcement to remove firearms from individuals with an order of protection against them within 96 hours. 该法以Karina Gonzalez命名,Karina Gonzalez尽管有保护令,却被丈夫杀害,其目的是防止与家庭暴力有关的死亡。 Named after Karina Gonzalez, who was killed by her husband despite having an order of protection, the law is aimed at preventing domestic violence-related deaths. 它还允许法官在存在直接威胁的可能原因时签发搜查令。 It also allows judges to issue search warrants if there is probable cause of an immediate threat. 尽管两党支持,一些枪支权利团体和共和党立法者仍对正当程序表示关切。 Despite bipartisan support, some gun rights groups and Republican lawmakers have raised concerns about due process. 法律在90天内生效 The law takes effect in 90 days.