刘易斯顿枪击案发生后,缅因州立法者讨论“红旗”枪支法。 Maine lawmakers debate "red flag" gun law after Lewiston shooting.
缅因州立法者和活动人士就该州最致命的大规模枪击事件(该事件发生于近六个月前)拟议的“红旗”枪支法展开辩论。 Maine lawmakers and activists debate a proposed "red flag" gun law after the state's deadliest mass shooting, which occurred nearly six months ago. 拟议的立法将允许家庭成员和执法人员对他们认为可能伤害自己或他人的枪支拥有者申请危机干预令。 The proposed legislation would allow family members and law enforcement to file a crisis intervention order for gun owners they believe could harm themselves or others. 此次辩论是在独立委员会发布报告之后展开的,该报告指出,根据该州现有的“黄旗”法,警方有权从枪手手中没收枪支。 The debate follows an independent commission's report stating that police had the authority to seize guns from the shooter under the state's existing "yellow flag" law.