圭亚那计划撤销两家能源公司持有的石油许可证, Guyana plans to revoke a petroleum license held by two energy companies, citing expired terms.
圭亚那政府计划终止Frontera Energy和CGX Energy持有的Corentyne离岸区块的石油许可证, Guyana's government plans to terminate the petroleum license for the Corentyne offshore block held by Frontera Energy and CGX Energy, stating that their agreement has ended. 然而,这些公司认为其执照仍然有效,正在考虑采取法律行动。 The companies, however, believe their license is still valid and are considering legal action. 圭亚那将2月22日定为这些公司提出任何反对吊销许可证的论据的最后期限。 Guyana has set a deadline of February 22 for the companies to provide any arguments against revoking the license.