3 名智利男子因涉嫌参与国际有组织犯罪而在尔湾被捕,被指控串谋入室盗窃、虚假信息和持有工具。 3 Chilean men arrested in Irvine for suspected involvement in international organized crime, charged with burglary conspiracy, false info, and tool possession.
3 名智利男子胡利奥·科尔多瓦·马丁内斯(Julio Cordova-Martinez,55 岁)、里卡多·纳瓦雷特·洛约拉(Ricardo Navarete-Loyola,19 岁)和莱奥波尔多·哈拉-阿拉亚(Leopoldo Jara-Araya,57 岁)因涉嫌参与国际有组织犯罪团伙而在欧文被捕。 3 Chilean men, Julio Cordova-Martinez (55), Ricardo Navarete-Loyola (19), and Leopoldo Jara-Araya (57), were arrested in Irvine for suspected involvement in an international organized crime ring. 他们被发现携带入室盗窃工具,被指控串谋入室盗窃、向警察提供虚假信息以及持有入室盗窃工具。 Found with burglary tools, they were charged with conspiracy to commit burglary, false info to a police officer, and possession of burglary tools. 尔湾警方赞扬了他们在维护社区安全方面所做的努力。 Irvine police praised their efforts in maintaining community safety.