前总统特朗普推翻了联邦机构对塑料稻草的禁令,指出对海洋生物的影响有限。 Former President Trump reversed a ban on plastic straws in federal agencies, citing their limited impact on marine life.
前总统唐纳德·特朗普签署了一项行政命令,推翻他的前任乔·拜登的政策,以便在联邦机构逐步淘汰吸管等单一用途塑料。 Former President Donald Trump signed an executive order reversing a policy by his predecessor, Joe Biden, to phase out single-use plastics like straws in federal agencies. Trump认为,塑料吸管对海洋生物的影响有限,纸吸管没有效力,常常断裂。 Trump argued that plastic straws have a limited impact on marine life and that paper straws are ineffective, often breaking. 环保人士反对这一举动,指出塑料废物对海洋生态系统和人类健康的有害影响。 Environmentalists oppose the move, citing the harmful effects of plastic waste on marine ecosystems and human health. 该命令不影响在某些地区禁止塑料稻草的州法律。 The order does not affect state laws banning plastic straws in some areas.