在加拿大急诊室等待很长时间之后,78岁以上的家庭起诉其死亡,指控其疏忽行为。 Family sues over 78-year-old's death after long wait in Canadian ER, alleges negligence.
78岁的Darrell Mesheau是一位退休外交官,在Fredericton急诊室等了7小时后死亡,他的家人对地平线保健网和两名护士提出了诉讼,指控他们玩忽职守。 The family of 78-year-old Darrell Mesheau, a retired diplomat who died after waiting seven hours in a Fredericton emergency room, has filed a lawsuit against Horizon Health Network and two nurses, alleging negligence. 他的家人声称,Mesheau的生命迹象没有按要求受到监测,他的病史也没有检查。 The family claims Mesheau’s vital signs were not monitored as required and his medical history was not checked. 被告否认这些指控,并寻求驳回申诉,声称他们提供了预期的照顾标准。 The defendants deny the allegations and are seeking dismissal of the claim, asserting they provided the expected standard of care.