一名老人在没有必要氧气的情况下不当出院后死亡,导致新西兰医院政策改变。 An elderly man died after being improperly discharged without needed oxygen, leading to hospital policy changes in New Zealand.
一名70多岁的男子从奥克兰北岸医院出院后死亡,未对其家庭氧气需求进行适当评估。 A man in his 70s died after being discharged from Auckland's North Shore Hospital without a proper assessment of his need for home oxygen. 卫生和残疾事务专员发现,Wewematā区卫生委员会由于护理不足,包括对家庭氧气供应的误解和缺乏药物审查,侵犯了病人的权利。 The Health and Disability Commissioner found the Waitematā District Health Board breached the patient's rights due to inadequate care, including misunderstandings about home oxygen availability and a lack of medication review. 董事会接受了调查结果,并计划更新离职政策,更好地培训工作人员。 The board accepted findings and plans to update discharge policies and train staff better.