中国扩大了对非洲的空间影响,加强了监控,并挑战了美国的主导地位。 China expands space influence in Africa, boosting surveillance and challenging U.S. dominance.
中国正在扩大其对非洲的空间影响,提供卫星和监测设施,加强其全球监视网络,并努力成为主导空间力量。 China is expanding its space influence in Africa by providing satellites and monitoring facilities, enhancing its global surveillance network and striving to become the dominant space power. 北京保持长期获取来自这一技术的数据,而美国在特朗普的领导下削减了外援,使中国能够与技术奖励办法并驾齐驱。 Beijing maintains long-term access to data from this technology, while the U.S., under Trump, has cut foreign aid, allowing China to step in with technological incentives. 五角大楼认为,由于可能获取敏感数据,这些项目具有安全风险。 The Pentagon views these projects as a security risk due to potential access to sensitive data.