中国在非洲维和行动中的作用受到赞扬;非盟寻求在安全问题上开展更多合作。 China's role in African peacekeeping is praised; AU seeks more collaboration on security issues.
非洲联盟和埃塞俄比亚官员赞扬中国通过为和平行动提供财政和后勤援助,在支持非洲和平与安全方面发挥重要作用。 African Union and Ethiopian officials have praised China's significant role in supporting peace and security in Africa through financial and logistical assistance for peace operations. 中国加大了对联合国维和行动的参与力度,是非盟-联合国和平行动联合路线图的主要出资方。 China has increased its involvement in UN peacekeeping missions and is a key financier of a joint AU-UN roadmap for peace operations. 非盟有兴趣与中国合作解决新出现的安全问题,如AI、网络安全、气候安全,以促进发展和保护自然资源。 The AU is interested in collaborating with China on emerging security issues like AI, cybersecurity, and climate security to foster development and protect natural resources.