格鲁吉亚、得克萨斯州和肯塔基州的法案提议在学校展示十诫以遏制暴力, Bills in Georgia, Texas, and Kentucky propose displaying the Ten Commandments in schools to curb violence, sparking debate over church and state.
格鲁吉亚的一项法案将要求所有公立学校在多个地点展示十诫,目的是解决学校暴力等问题。 A bill in Georgia would require all public schools to display the Ten Commandments in multiple locations, aiming to address issues like school violence. 在得克萨斯州和肯塔基州,类似的法案也试图授权或允许展示十诫,支持者援引历史意义和道德原则,而批评者则认为这违反了教会与国家的分离。 Similar bills in Texas and Kentucky also seek to mandate or allow the display of the Ten Commandments, with supporters citing historical significance and moral principles, while critics argue it violates the separation of church and state. 尽管在南达科他州和得克萨斯州提出了提案,但需要展示的议案受到法律审查和反对,南达科他州法案最近未能在众议院获得通过。 Despite proposals in South Dakota and Texas, bills requiring the display have faced legal scrutiny and opposition, with a South Dakota bill recently failing in the House.