美国保守派在公立学校里推动更多的基督教, 测试教会与州之间的分离。 U.S. conservatives push for more Christianity in public schools, testing church-state separation.
保守的美国立法者正在推动在公立学校教室增加基督教,测试教会与国家的分离。 Conservative U.S. lawmakers are pushing to increase Christianity in public school classrooms, testing the separation of church and state. 当选总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)支持第一修正案规定在学校祈祷和阅读圣经的权利,这可能使这些努力更加大胆。 President-elect Donald Trump's support for First Amendment rights to pray and read the Bible in schools may embolden these efforts. 路易斯安那州、得克萨斯州和俄克拉荷马州已采取措施,例如张贴十诫和将圣经课程纳入课程,尽管批评者认为这些行动等于灌输。 States like Louisiana, Texas, and Oklahoma have introduced measures such as posting the Ten Commandments and incorporating biblical lessons into curricula, despite critics arguing that these actions amount to indoctrination. 随着法院在特朗普司法任命人的领导下日益支持宗教利益,法律挑战正在持续。 Legal challenges are ongoing as the courts grow more supportive of religious interests under Trump's judicial appointees.