Australian Greens提出对亿万富翁征收10%的财富税, 以资助保健和交通。 Australian Greens propose 10% wealth tax on billionaires to fund healthcare and transport.
澳大利亚绿党提议对全国1500亿富翁征税, 每年征收10%的财富税, 目的是在四年内筹得230亿美元, 十年内筹得500亿美元。 The Australian Greens propose taxing the country's 150 billionaires with a 10% annual wealth tax, aimed at raising $23 billion over four years and $50 billion over a decade. 这些资金将支持基本服务,如医疗保险下的牙科护理和负担得起的公共交通。 The funds would support essential services like dental care under Medicare and affordable public transport. 尽管可能面临法律和投资挑战,但该计划力求解决财富差距问题,并为社会方案提供资金。 Despite potential legal and investment challenges, the plan seeks to address wealth disparity and fund social programs.