澳大利亚政府提议对超过3百万澳元的退休金征税30%, Australian government proposes taxing superannuation over $3M at 30%, facing opposition and potential repeal.
澳洲政府正在推动立法, 从7月1日起, 将超过300万美元的退休金税率由15%提高至30%, 批评者认为这可能迫使农民和小企业主出售资产纳税。 The Australian government is pushing legislation to increase the tax rate on superannuation balances over $3 million from 15% to 30%, effective July 1, which critics argue could force farmers and small business owners to sell assets to pay taxes. 财务主任Jim Chalmers正在努力确保参议院的选票,包括来自交叉受益人的选票,将该提案与减少信用卡附加费的普遍措施联系起来。 Treasurer Jim Chalmers is working to secure Senate votes, including those from crossbenchers, by linking the proposal with a popular measure to reduce credit card surcharges. 如果法案在选举前通过,反对派发誓取消这项税。 The opposition vows to repeal the tax if the bill passes before the election.