澳大利亚政府承诺提供 $800M 以减少土著差异,限制必需品的价格。 Australian government pledges $800M to reduce Indigenous disparities, caps prices on essentials.
澳大利亚政府计划限制偏远原住民社区的基本杂货成本,并投资超过 8 亿澳元用于警务、妇女安全、教育和减少酒精危害等服务。 The Australian government plans to cap the cost of essential groceries in remote Indigenous communities and invest over $800 million in services like policing, women's safety, education, and alcohol harm reduction. 此前的一份报告显示,在减少原住民劣势的 19 个目标中,只有 5 个正在步入正轨。 This follows a report showing only five of 19 targets to reduce Indigenous disadvantage are on track. 政府还将为原住民心理学学生提供奖学金,并为澳大利亚原住民增加住房贷款机会。 The government will also offer scholarships for Indigenous psychology students and boost home loan opportunities for Indigenous Australians.