由于缺乏受害者的直接证据,William Tyrrell 的养父的上诉面临挫折。 Appeal of William Tyrrell's foster father faces setback due to lack of direct evidence from victim.
威廉·泰瑞尔 (William Tyrrell) 的前养父因恐吓一名 11 岁女孩而被定罪,由于缺乏孩子的直接证据,他的上诉面临重大挫折。 The appeal of William Tyrrell’s former foster father, convicted of intimidating an 11-year-old girl, faces a major setback due to a lack of direct evidence from the child. 检方依赖于秘密录音,但孩子在事件中的感受从未在法庭上得到解决。 The prosecution relied on covert recordings, but the child's feelings during the incident were never addressed in court. 威廉于 2014 年失踪,目前尚未就他的失踪提出任何指控。 William vanished in 2014, and no charges have been filed regarding his disappearance. 对养父的上诉的决定将于 2 月 17 日做出。 The decision on the foster father's appeal is due on February 17.