对前罪犯父亲案件的上诉突出表明,缺乏来自孩子的直接证据;2月17日的判决。 Appeal of ex-foster father's case highlights lack of direct evidence from child; verdict on Feb. 17.
一名被控恐吓一名11岁女孩的前养父的上诉突出表明,本案存在重大差距:有关儿童缺乏直接证据。 The appeal of a former foster father accused of intimidating an 11-year-old girl highlights a significant gap in the case: lack of direct evidence from the child involved. 检方依靠调查2014年幼童William Tyrrell失踪案的侦探秘密记录。 The prosecution relied on covert recordings by detectives investigating the disappearance of toddler William Tyrrell in 2014. 在William的案件中没有提出任何指控,有理论暗示他的养母意外死亡和处置。 No charges have been filed in William's case, with theories suggesting accidental death and disposal by his foster mother. 上诉决定定于2月17日作出。 The appeal decision is set for February 17.