失踪幼儿William Tyrrell的前养父以女童缺乏直接证据为由,上诉定罪。 Former foster father of missing toddler William Tyrrell appeals conviction, citing lack of direct evidence from girl.
前失踪幼儿的养父William Tyrrell正以孩子缺乏直接证据为由,对恐吓一名11岁女孩的定罪提出上诉。 The former foster father of missing toddler William Tyrrell is appealing a conviction for intimidating an 11-year-old girl, citing a lack of direct evidence from the child. 检方依靠调查威廉2014年失踪案的警探 秘密录制的录音记录 The prosecution relied on covert recordings made by detectives investigating William's 2014 disappearance. 法官注意到此案中有一个“大洞”,因为没有女孩对事件的叙述。 The judge noted a "big hole" in the case due to the absence of the girl's account of the incident. 关于上诉的决定应于2月17日作出。 The decision on the appeal is due on February 17.