英国总理因似乎漠不关心爱尔兰共和军攻击受害者、引发争论而遭到批评。 UK PM faces criticism for seeming lack of concern toward IRA attack victims, sparking debate.
联合王国首相因有些人认为对爱尔兰共和军袭击的受害者不关心而面临批评。 The UK Prime Minister is facing criticism for what some see as a lack of concern for victims of IRA attacks. 指控被描述为“心碎”, 是在关于北爱尔兰问题遗留问题的持续讨论过程中提出的。 The accusation, described as "heartbreaking," comes amid ongoing discussions about the legacy of Northern Ireland's Troubles. 批评者认为总理最近的行动或声明并未充分满足受害者及其家庭的需要或给予承认。 Critics argue the PM's recent actions or statements have not adequately addressed the needs or recognition of the victims and their families.