影子外交秘书安德鲁·米切尔谴责在一次保守的以色列之友活动中对以色列的极端批评。 Shadow Foreign Secretary Andrew Mitchell condemned extreme criticism of Israel at a Conservative Friends of Israel event.
在以色列保守派之友(Conservative Friends of Israel)的活动中,影子外交大臣安德鲁·米切尔(Andrew Mitchell)谴责了对以色列的极端批评,称其为“跨越了所有界限”的“歇斯底里”。 At a Conservative Friends of Israel event, Shadow Foreign Secretary Andrew Mitchell condemned extreme criticism of Israel, labeling it "hysteria" that has "crossed all boundaries." 他敦促进行合理的讨论,把局势比作 "黎明前黑夜总是最黑暗的" He urged for a reasoned discussion, likening the situation to "the night is always darkest before dawn." 其他保守派议员表示支持以色列, 并提议将英国大使馆迁至耶路撒冷。 Amid heightened Middle Eastern tensions following Israeli strikes that killed a Hezbollah leader, other Conservative MPs expressed support for Israel and proposed moving the UK embassy to Jerusalem.