星期天早些时候,两人在Arnold的一个公寓被刺伤;两人都住院。 Two people were stabbed early Sunday at an apartment in Arnold; both are hospitalized.
据Arnold警察局说,周日清晨7时30分左右,两人在Arnold Freeport Road的一处公寓被刺伤。 Two individuals were stabbed at an apartment on Freeport Road in Arnold early Sunday morning around 7:30 a.m., according to the Arnold Police Department. 受害者目前住院治疗,但他们的状况不明。 The victims are currently hospitalized, but their conditions are undisclosed. 当局正在处理此案,并将通过WPXI News提供更多最新情况。 Authorities are handling the case and more updates will be available through WPXI News.