被送往麦迪逊医院的危及生命的刺伤者;警方正在进行调查。 Person with life-threatening stab wounds brought to Madison hospital; police investigation ongoing.
星期五清晨,有人被带往麦迪逊一家医院,被刺伤,伤势危及生命。 A person with life-threatening stab wounds was brought to a Madison hospital early Friday morning. 警方发现刺伤很可能发生在Huxley街的公寓里。 Police found the stabbing likely occurred at an apartment on Huxley Street. 未发现任何嫌疑人,也未逮捕任何嫌犯。 No suspects have been identified, and no arrests have been made. 调查正在进行中,当局正在要求公共援助;可在608-266-6014或网上向麦迪逊地区犯罪制止者提供提示。 The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are asking for public assistance; tips can be submitted to Madison Area Crime Stoppers at 608-266-6014 or online.