2人在马萨诸塞州法尔河被刺杀和枪击后住院。 2 individuals hospitalized following stabbing and shooting in Fall River, Massachusetts.
据报在马萨诸塞州Fall River发生刺杀和枪击事件后,两人于星期三清晨住院。 Two individuals were hospitalized early Wednesday morning following a reported stabbing and shooting in Fall River, Massachusetts. 警方于凌晨4时37分对Dickinson街作出反应,发现一名男子伤势非致命,一名妇女伤势严重。 Police responded to Dickinson Street at 4:37 a.m., finding a man with non-life-threatening injuries and a woman with significant injuries. 两人都被带到地方创伤中心。 Both were taken to local trauma centers. 事件正在调查之中,随着案件的发展,预计将有更多的详情。 The incident is under investigation, and more details are expected as the case develops.