Starbucks在威斯康星州免费的无线上网和洗手间 都结束了,需要购买。 Starbucks ends free Wi-Fi and restroom access in Wisconsin, requiring a purchase.
星巴克正在改变其在威斯康辛的政策, 要求顾客在使用Wi-Fi及厕所等商店设施之前购买。 Starbucks is changing its policy in Wisconsin, requiring customers to make a purchase before using the store’s facilities like Wi-Fi and restrooms. 这项自2018年以来允许免费使用设施的“开放门”政策正在修订,以澄清空间应如何使用。 This "open door" policy, allowing free use of facilities since 2018, is being revised to clarify how the spaces should be used. 改革的目的是管理对设施使用的期望,并引起客户和前雇员的好坏不一的反应。 The change aims to manage expectations for facility usage and has sparked mixed reactions from customers and former employees.