星巴克创建了包容性空间框架,以提高美国商店组合的可达性。 Starbucks creates Inclusive Spaces Framework to enhance accessibility across US store portfolio.
星巴克宣布创建包容性空间框架,以提高其美国门店组合的可达性。 Starbucks has announced the creation of an Inclusive Spaces Framework to improve accessibility across its US store portfolio. 该框架旨在帮助所有人在物理和数字空间中扩大独立性、选择权和便利性。 The framework aims to help expand independence, choice, and ease for all people in both physical and digital spaces. 首家采用包容性设计框架的门店已在华盛顿特区开业,星巴克在美国所有新建和装修的自营门店都将采用该框架。 The first store using the inclusive design framework has opened in Washington, D.C., and all newly built and renovated Starbucks company-operated stores in the US will adopt the framework.