北卡罗来纳州建造野生动物过境点 保护最后20只红狼 免遭车辆碰撞 North Carolina builds wildlife crossings to protect the last 20 red wolves from vehicle collisions.
北卡罗来纳州正在实施一个野生动物过境项目,以保护濒危的红狼人口,野外只剩下大约20只狼。 North Carolina is implementing a wildlife crossing project to protect the critically endangered red wolf population, with only around 20 wolves left in the wild. 车辆碰撞是对他们生存的重大威胁。 Vehicle collisions have been a significant threat to their survival. 该项目包括为狼群安全穿越美国64号公路建造地下通道和桥梁,旨在减少交通事故和支持物种保护。 The project includes building underpasses and bridges for the wolves to safely cross U.S. Highway 64, aiming to reduce traffic accidents and support the species' conservation.