尼日利亚从周日到周二准备迎接朦胧、多尘的天气,影响能见度和健康状况。 Nigeria braces for hazy, dusty weather from Sunday to Tuesday, affecting visibility and health.
尼日利亚气象局预测,周日至周二尼日利亚将出现雾霾天气和中等沙尘。 The Nigerian Meteorological Agency forecasts hazy weather with moderate dust for Nigeria from Sunday to Tuesday. 北部和中北部地区将出现沙尘雾霾,能见度在 2 公里至 5 公里之间,而南部将出现多云天空和雷暴。 The northern and North-Central regions will see dust haze with visibility between 2km and 5km, while the south will experience cloudy skies with thunderstorms. 建议有呼吸系统问题的人采取预防措施,并鼓励航空公司运营商查看航班计划的更新。 People with respiratory issues are advised to take precautions and airline operators are encouraged to check updates for flight planning.