由于撒哈拉沙尘羽流影响能见度,巴巴多斯发布了严重尘霾警告,建议呼吸系统疾病患者和船舶使用者采取预防措施。 Barbados issues a Significant Dust Haze Advisory due to Sahara dust plume affecting visibility, with respiratory issues and marine users advised to take precautions.
由于撒哈拉沙尘羽流影响能见度,巴巴多斯发布了严重尘霾预警。 Barbados issues a Significant Dust Haze Advisory due to Sahara dust plume affecting visibility. 呼吸系统疾病和过敏症患者应备有药物,海上活动者应待在靠近海岸的地方。 Respiratory issue & allergy patients should have medications accessible and marine users advised to stay close to shore. 咨询将于 4 月 19 日或更早更新。 Advisory to be updated on April 19 or sooner. 雾霾导致天空略微发黄,陆地和海洋能见度降低。 The haze causes slightly yellowish skies and reduced visibility in both land and marine areas.