密歇根州立大学的篮球队以 353 场的胜利纪录追平了教练汤姆·伊佐 (Tom Izzo) 的鲍勃·奈特 (Bob Knight) 的十大胜利纪录。 Michigan State's basketball team tied Coach Tom Izzo with Bob Knight's Big Ten wins record at 353.
密歇根州立大学篮球队以 86-74 战胜俄勒冈州,大一新生 Jase Richardson 得到职业生涯最高的 29 分。 Michigan State's basketball team secured an 86-74 win against Oregon, with freshman Jase Richardson scoring a career-high 29 points. 这场胜利将教练汤姆·伊佐 (Tom Izzo) 与鲍勃·奈特 (Bob Knight) 的 353 场十大胜利记录并列。 The victory tied Coach Tom Izzo with Bob Knight's Big Ten wins record at 353. 密歇根州立大学在下半场的强劲表现的帮助下克服了半场 14 分的落后。 Michigan State overcame a 14-point halftime deficit, aided by a strong second-half performance. 这场胜利也标志着密歇根州立大学 2000 年全国冠军队的庆祝活动。 The win also marked the celebration of Michigan State's 2000 National Championship team.