密歇根州的教练Tom Izzo 将Bob Knight的十大赢家纪录 与对俄勒冈州86 -74的胜利打成平手。 Michigan State's coach Tom Izzo tied Bob Knight's Big Ten win record with an 86-74 victory over Oregon.
密歇根州的篮球教练 Tom Izzo 将Bob Knight的成绩 绑在了Bob Knight的纪录上 赢得了Big Ten的胜利 赢得了他第353场大会的胜利 在俄勒冈州赢得了86 -74场冠军 Michigan State's basketball coach Tom Izzo tied Bob Knight's record for Big Ten wins, achieving his 353rd conference victory with an 86-74 win over Oregon. 斯巴达人以50比36的半场比分战胜了他们的缺点, 确保了胜利. The Spartans overcame a 50-36 halftime deficit to secure the victory. 在布雷斯林中心庆祝了这一里程碑,该中心充满了兴奋和前球员,包括2000年国家锦标赛队的成员。 The milestone was celebrated at the Breslin Center, which was filled with excitement and former players, including members of the 2000 national championship team.