卡纳塔克邦 MLC 承诺为大学教职员工提供更多假期,解决低工资和恶劣条件等问题。 A Karnataka MLC promises more holidays for college staff, addressing issues like low pay and poor conditions.
卡纳塔克邦的 MLC 承诺为政府资助的大学员工和教师提供额外的假期,旨在减轻他们的工作压力。 An MLC in Karnataka has promised to push for additional holidays for government-aided college employees and teachers, aiming to alleviate their work pressure. 这项承诺是在为这些雇员成立新协会时作出的,该协会还强调了诸如工资延迟、工作条件差和客座讲师工资低等问题。 This commitment came at the inauguration of a new association for these employees, which also highlighted issues like delayed salaries, poor working conditions, and low pay for guest lecturers. 该协会代表821所学院,正在寻求其成员的改进和团结,以有效解决这些关切问题。 The association, representing 821 colleges, is seeking improvements and unity among its members to address these concerns effectively.