爱尔兰总理认为终止房租压力区可以刺激住房投资, Irish PM considers ending Rent Pressure Zones to boost housing investment, sparking debate on affordability.
爱尔兰总理米歇尔·马丁正在考虑结束2016年推出的租金压力区(RPZs),以限制高需求地区的租金增长。 Irish Prime Minister Micheál Martin is considering ending Rent Pressure Zones (RPZs), introduced in 2016 to limit rent increases in high-demand areas. 这一转变旨在吸引更多的私人住房投资,同时承认仅靠国家无法解决住房危机。 This shift aims to attract more private investment in housing, acknowledging that the state alone cannot address the housing crisis. 批评者担心这一举动会提高租金,减少可负担得起的住房选择,而房东则认为这是重振市场的一个步骤。 Critics fear this move could raise rents and reduce affordable housing options, while landlords see it as a step to revitalize the market. 政府将探索新的制度,以平衡对房客的保护和投资鼓励措施。 The government will explore new systems to balance tenant protection and investment incentives.