报告显示,DA 为阻止价格欺诈所做的努力正在减缓灾难恢复。 DAs' efforts to stop price gouging are slowing disaster recovery, reports suggest.
地区检察官要求遏制价格欺诈正在减慢灾后的恢复过程。 District Attorneys' requests to curb price gouging are slowing the recovery process post-disaster. DA 一直在积极寻求在最近的紧急情况后大幅提高价格的企业。 The DAs have been active in pursuing businesses that raised prices significantly after recent emergencies. 据报道,虽然这些行动旨在保护消费者,但阻碍了一些企业快速补货和重建,阻碍了受影响地区的恢复。 While aimed at protecting consumers, these actions have reportedly deterred some businesses from restocking and rebuilding quickly, hampering the recovery in affected areas.