柬埔寨经济预计将在2025年增长6.3%,由工业和服务部门推动。 Cambodia's economy is projected to grow 6.3% in 2025, driven by industrial and service sectors.
预计柬埔寨经济将在2025年增长6.3%,国内生产总值达到51.39亿美元。 Cambodia's economy is forecast to grow 6.3% in 2025, reaching a GDP of $51.39 billion. 工业部门,特别是服装和建筑业,预计将带动9.3%的增长,而服务业(旅游、贸易)和农业将分别增长4.8%和0.9%。 The industrial sector, especially garments and construction, is expected to lead growth at 9.3%, while services (tourism, trade) and agriculture will grow by 4.8% and 0.9% respectively. 2025年1月,国际贸易增长了24.6%,出口增长了17%,进口增长了31.6%,反映了对新投资和出口市场的信心。 In January 2025, international trade increased by 24.6%, with exports up 17% and imports up 31.6%, reflecting confidence in new investments and export markets.