柬埔寨的出口在2024年猛增16%,由贸易交易和服装和自行车等关键产品所推动。 Cambodia's exports surged 16% in 2024, fueled by trade deals and key products like garments and bicycles.
在2024年头10个月,柬埔寨的出口增长了16%,达到21.57亿美元,主要原因是服装、鞋类、旅行物品、自行车和农产品。 In the first 10 months of 2024, Cambodia's exports rose 16% to $21.57 billion, primarily due to garments, footwear, travel goods, bicycles, and agricultural products. 进口也增加了17%,达到234.9亿美元,其中包括石油和原材料。 Imports also increased by 17% to $23.49 billion, including petroleum and raw materials. 区域全面经济伙伴关系和《柬埔寨-中国自由贸易协定》的增长和吸引了外国投资者,功不可没。 The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership and the Cambodia-China Free Trade Agreement are credited for the growth and attracting foreign investors.