巴塞罗那的Fermin Lopez拒绝曼彻斯特联合和Aston Villa向巴塞罗那承诺的7000万欧元报价。 Barcelona's Fermin Lopez rejects €70m offers from Manchester United and Aston Villa, commits to Barcelona.
巴塞罗那21岁的中场生Fermin Lopez拒绝了曼彻斯特联合公司和Aston Villa提出的700万欧元报价,选择留在巴塞罗那并发展其职业生涯。 Barcelona's 21-year-old midfielder Fermin Lopez rejected a €70m offer from Manchester United and Aston Villa, choosing to stay and develop his career at Barcelona. Lopez最近与500万欧元的释放条款签署了一份为期五年的合同,巩固了他对俱乐部的承诺。 Lopez recently signed a five-year contract with a €500m release clause, solidifying his commitment to the club. 尽管大联盟俱乐部对Lopez感兴趣,但Lopez力求在巴塞罗那进一步建立自己的地位。 Despite interest from the Premier League clubs, Lopez aims to establish himself further at Barcelona.