2017年:十几岁的时候罗德里戈差点以 300 万欧元的价格加盟利物浦,但最终选择留在桑托斯。 2017: Rodrygo almost joined Liverpool for €3m as a teenager, but chose to stay at Santos.
在接受《卫报》采访时,皇马前锋罗德里戈透露,2017年,他还差点以 300 万欧元的身价加盟利物浦。 In an interview with The Guardian, Real Madrid forward Rodrygo revealed he almost joined Liverpool as a teenager in 2017 for just €3 million. 这位巴西人于 2019 年加盟皇马,他表示自己希望留在桑托斯创造历史并完成学业。 The Brazilian, who joined Los Blancos in 2019, stated he wanted to stay at Santos to make history and finish his education. 尽管他认为利物浦给了他很好的报价,但罗德里戈还是决定留在自己儿时的俱乐部。 Despite the offer from Liverpool, which he considered very good, Rodrygo decided to remain at his boyhood club.